Our Commitment

Our Commitment

Did you know that many non-profits spend only 60% of donations received on the actual cause they're fundraising for? We at Hope for Humanity International value your partnership so highly that we've committed to something unheard of for non-profits---we commit to making every effort possible to reach our goal of sending 90% of donations received directly to those in need. While many non-profits might spend your hard-earned money on other things, we are committed to making your donation go as far as possible for the needy people we serve. If we had it our way, 100% of donations would go directly to those in need, but unavoidable expenses such as credit card fees, website and international transfer fees force us to allocate around 10% of funds to keep the organization running. We at H4H do what we do out of a love for the Lord and others. Thank you for partnering with us!