Hope for humanity international
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is H4H?
Hope for Humanity International (H4H) is a global missions organization that wants to make Heaven crowded! Our mission at H4H is to faithfully and effectively respond to Jesus' command in Matthew 28 by bringing the Gospel to some of the darkest, most challenging corners of the world. While doing so, we seek to truly love those forgotten by society; widows, orphans, victims of abuse, drug addicts, the list goes on. H4H accomplishes this through ministry programs in numerous countries. Whether it be weekly gatherings in the slums of Colombia or preaching in the Ecuadorian Amazon, H4H employs a multitude of methods to fulfill the Great Comission!
Where does my money go?
Did you know that most non-profits spend only 60% of donations received on the actual cause they're fundraising for? We at Hope for Humanity International value your partnership so highly that we've committed to something unheard of for non-profits--we will do everything in our power to reach 90% of donations received going directly to those in need. If we had it our way 100% of donations would go directly to those in need, but things like website and international transfer fees force us to allocate 10% of funds to keep the organization running. We we do what we do out of a love for the Lord and others. Thank you for partnering with us.
Who leads the ministry programs in each country?
Hope for Humanity International (H4H) specializes in planting ministries throughout the world so that more people can hear the Good News of Jesus. A very important part of this process is training people (locals) to help facilitate this work. H4H places a high value on training these facilitators to serve the Lord faithfully and biblically. Once they step into service, they are held accountable and continually invested in throughout their service.
How can I get involved?
If you’d like to get involved, fill out the contact form below!
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