The Power of Hope: God is Alive in Peru!

The Power of Hope: God is Alive in Peru!

The Call to Peru

Have you ever seen a person without hope? What did they look like? What caused their lack of hope? In January 2022, the founder of H4H felt God's call to Peru. Upon arrival in the country, he had no contacts at all, let alone any ministry contacts. After about a week there and asking God for direction, he received an unlikely message on TikTok of all places! The message explained that the messenger knew of a pastor who serves near Lima, Peru. It didn't seem like it at the time, but this was the start of something big.

The Unexpected Message

In the ensuing weeks, God led H4H's team deeper and deeper into service. As they ventured into the slums of Peras, Lima, one individual stuck out from the rest. A wheelchair-ridden and mute man named Gonzalo, who lived in a shack in the slums, almost immediately caught H4H's eye due to his incredibly distraught demeanor. Although he couldn't speak, his eyes said it all. His gaze was constantly directed towards the dirt floor, and his shoulders were slumped forward. After some time in the shack, our team had the opportunity to share the Gospel with Gonzalo.

Encountering Gonzalo

At first, Gonzalo was hesitant and quite unsure of what we were saying. However, after some time had passed, he straightened up, raised his chin, closed his eyes, and lifted his arms. Though he was mute, you could tell his lips were trying to make out a single word, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus..." Soon thereafter, tears began streaming down his face. Gonzalo had experienced the life-changing hope and love of Jesus.

A Message of Hope

We were able to help Gonzalo physically by constructing a bathroom and buying him medicine, but unfortunately, we didn't have the funds to build him an entire house. This didn't seem to matter to him, as his newfound hope in Jesus was enough to change his life forever.

The Mission Continues

Our goal here at H4H is to share this hope that Gonzalo experienced with as many people as possible. God changes lives regardless of circumstance. He is the Hope for humanity!

Key Takeaways:

  • Divine guidance can lead to unexpected opportunities for service.
  • Even in the midst of despair, the message of hope can bring transformation.
  • Acts of kindness, no matter how small, can make a significant impact.
  • Gonzalo's story serves as a reminder of the power of faith and resilience.
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